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Join date: Jun 28, 2022


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Is Amoxicillin The Same For Humans And Cats

The human antibiotics that are suitable for use in felines include: Amoxicillin, used to fight bacterial infections; the dosage should be 5 mg per pound of body weight per day; Ampicillin, employed for bacterial infections; the cat requires 10 mg per pound every 6 hours Ornamental fish, meaning aquarium fish, can in fact take many of the same antibiotics as humans—amoxicillin, ciprofloxacin, penicillin and more—sometimes even in the same doses, according to Smithsonian. These antibiotics work by. Yes, Amoxicillin is the same - it's just the format of how it is presented. Pet Amoxycillin is usually in a bland basic tablet form (supposedly meat flavoured - and smells horrendous) - not in a capsule as provided for humans. In some cases when necessary - the human version will be provided.

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